11 Reasons to Choose an Automated Security System
Enterprises are vulnerable because they identify risks—such as rogue devices, noncompliant systems and other vulnerabilities—too slowly. Their security systems were not designed to operate at the speed organizations need.
Most security systems are based on weekly, monthly or quarterly polling. They may assume active host management, or the systems wait to detect large or anomalous traffic from devices.
There are many reasons why a company’s IT tools do not identify all the risks on its network. Changing endpoints account for some of the problem.
Endpoints are increasingly transient and often are not on the network when a vulnerability scan is performed. This results from both BYOD and the increasing use of dynamic virtual workloads.
Enterprises increasingly do not own endpoints, so they are not protected by an onboard management agent. If an organization expects endpoints to report the configurations and applications they run, BYOD Windows and Mac OS devices risk blind spots. Android and iOS fare better because of mobile device management systems.
Most companies rely on several types of security and system management functions, but they don’t always work properly. They become misconfigured, are attacked, grow out-of-date, get uninstalled or are disabled. When the agent is missing, the organization is unaware of risks to the endpoint system.
Without real-time, independent and comprehensive information about endpoint status, organizations cannot fully understand their IT risks. ForeScout estimates that 20% of IT security managers are unaware of devices on their networks, and that 30% of endpoints contain configurations or vulnerabilities unknown to IT.
“Dwell time,” the median interval in days between a malware infection and its detection, can be as long as 229 days. Why is detection so slow? Organizations rely too heavily on blocking-based and signature-based mechanisms for protection.
Many tools IT pros use don’t have automated, policy-based remediation or containment, so IT may be swamped daily with hundreds or thousands of alerts. Similarly, vulnerability assessment systems, as well as security information and event management systems, typically are not automated. This contributes to slow responses.
Enterprises usually have a layered defense strategy, but that can lead to separate silos of controls and information. If these tools don’t properly communicate, critically needed synergies don’t happen. Lack of automated mitigation mechanisms and a lack of policy-based automation increase IT operational costs and exposure.
IT security systems have not adjusted to how systems have evolved. As a result, security managers lack complete knowledge of who or what accesses their networks. Furthermore, they enforce endpoint integrity, mitigate risks and contain exposures inefficiently because processes are too slow and manual.