Digital Transformation, Innovation Affect Security
As a result of digital transformation and innovation—including the growth of public clouds—many organizations are changing their cyber-security strategies.
69% of the executives responding to the survey said digital transformation and innovation are forcing major changes to their security strategies.
64% of respondents will boost security spending to protect their organization from security threats.
Public cloud software: 65%,
Big data applications: 63%,
Mobile business applications: 61%
32% of the executives surveyed said security investments will increase in 2017. 74% of CIOs and CISOs said security was a higher priority in 2016 than in 2015.
Expanded vulnerability discovery and remediation: 60%,
Invested in employee security training: 57%,
Upgraded or introduced antivirus or anti-malware software, and intrusion detection/prevention systems: 54%,
Put more resources into defending against zero-day exploits: 30%
Protecting against and responding to known security threats: 64%,
Detecting successful security breaches: 48%,
Defending against zero-day attacks: 47%
IT and automated patching systems: 49%,
Cloud-based security tracking and management services: 49%,
Breach detection systems: 47%,
Data protection and compliance: 41%
52% of the executives surveyed said accountability for security breaches has increased for their operations group.
33% of CIOs think public clouds have an extreme impact on security, whereas only 21% of CISOs think that.
Cultivating a corporate culture that makes everyone responsible for cyber-security is an important goal for 54% of the executive respondents, who said they will take this step during 2017.