How Cloud Users Put the Business at Risk
As the cloud makes it easier for users to pick their own apps and services, it’s also added a larger surface for lax security practices.
On average, survey respondents use two devices for work, and half of those who use cloud-based apps for work have access to three or more IT-approved apps.
Laptops: 61%, Smartphones: 51%, Tablets: 27%
One-third of survey respondents who use the cloud have downloaded a work-intended app without letting IT know.
One-quarter of survey respondents overall manage passwords in a doc that is not password-protected.
One-fifth keep passwords in plain sight, such as on a sticky note.
One-fifth of devices that employees have lost were not password-protected.
58% of survey respondents said their organization has never instructed them about the right way to download and use cloud apps.
44% said their employer never told them how to securely transfer and store private corporate data.
39% said they’ve never been told about the risk of downloading apps without IT’s knowledge.
31% of Millennial survey respondents said they’ve downloaded apps without letting IT know, compared to 22% of Baby Boomers who have done this.