How Social Media Puts Businesses at Risk

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How Social Media Puts Businesses at Risk

How Social Media Puts Businesses at RiskHow Social Media Puts Businesses at Risk

Social media is becoming a concern for organizations that do not archive content and get caught off guard when e-discovery is required for legal purposes.

Consumer-Focused Social Media Pervasive in WorkplaceConsumer-Focused Social Media Pervasive in Workplace

70% of organizations surveyed use Facebook for business reasons, 64% use LinkedIn and 56% use Twitter.

Rise of Enterprise Social Media PlatformsRise of Enterprise Social Media Platforms

A large proportion use enterprise social media platforms, including Microsoft SharePoint (82%), Cisco social media tools (44%), Microsoft Yammer (23%), Salesforce Chatter (17%), and IBM Connections (8%).

Benefits of Social Media to EnterpriseBenefits of Social Media to Enterprise

Social media helps organizations become more efficient, helps users speed decision-making, and allows information sharing previously neither possible nor practical.

Risks of Social Media to EnterpriseRisks of Social Media to Enterprise

Social media increases the likelihood that malicious content will enter an organization. Malware infiltrated 18% of organizations through social media.

More Social Media Risks to EnterpriseMore Social Media Risks to Enterprise

Social media increases the likelihood of breached sensitive or confidential data either through employees’ inadvertent actions, unmanaged sharing of geolocation data, or malicious employee activities.

Social Media Not Thoroughly ArchivedSocial Media Not Thoroughly Archived

43% of organizations that use enterprise social platform do not archive information from it. 26% have had to produce content for eDiscovery from the platform.

Social Media Best PracticesSocial Media Best Practices

Organizations should address the risks associated with the use of social media implement the following best practices.

Conduct an Internal Audit of Social MediaConduct an Internal Audit of Social Media

An internal audit of social media will help determine which tools are being used, why, and their business value.

Social Media PoliciesSocial Media Policies

Address employees’ use of social media tools, identify who should have rights to specific social media features and functions, and spell out the right of the organization to monitor, manage and archive social media use and content.

Mitigate Risks With Appropriate TechnologiesMitigate Risks With Appropriate Technologies

Deploy technologies that will mitigate risks from malware and other threats delivered through social media and corporate social networks.

Archive, Archive, ArchiveArchive, Archive, Archive

Implement solutions to archive business records and other content on social media and corporate social networks.


Mitigate risks associated with consumer-focused social media tools with an enterprise social media solution that also enhances communication, collaboration and information sharing.

Karen A. Frenkel Avatar