IT Executives Lack Cyber-Defense Resources
62% of senior IT executives say they do not have sufficient resources to defend against cyber risk, according to the Consero survey.
73% expect cyber-risk defense to become more difficult in 2014., 16% believe efforts will become easier., 11% say efforts will become neither easier nor more difficult.
39% say moving business to the cloud , 34% say ensuring data and privacy protection, 23% say managing BYOD and multiple devices , 4% say maintaining existing data centers and IT service centers
53% of respondents say the size of their budget increased in 2013 , 27% report no change , 20% say their budget decreased
44% of respondents say they do not have enough resources to manage IT functions effectively.
Senior IT executives feel backed by their C-suite, with 82% reporting sufficiently supportive colleagues.
Although only 7% of survey respondents say more than half of their IT environment is in the cloud, 32% expect most of their infrastructure to exist in the cloud within three years.
Given IT executives’ projections for the cloud, it is not surprising that 33% of participants named it a top priority.
“In light of the priority that IT executives are giving to the cloud in the year ahead, and the amount of infrastructure they expect to exist within the cloud over the next few years, we can expect the pace of migration to increase,” says Mandell.