Security Breaches Just a Matter of Time

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Security Breaches Just a Matter of Time

Victims of a Security BreachVictims of a Security Breach

Many businesses have experienced a security breach or expect one to occur., Just over half either admit or are aware their security has been breached: 53%, Admit employees have seen documents they shouldn’t: 52%, Admit it is “just a matter of time” before another security breach occurs: 51%

The Importance of IAMThe Importance of IAM

Businesses recognize the benefits and value of IAM. Believe identity access management (IAM) is important to their organization overall: 88%, IAM is “critical” in helping businesses meet their compliance requirements: 54%, IAM reduces operational risk: 53%, Enables new business initiatives: 40%

Primary Focus of IAM StrategyPrimary Focus of IAM Strategy

For most, IAM is a task rather than strategic business initiative. Prevent security breaches and protect data: 49%, Achieve demonstrate compliance: 27%, Reduce operation and administration expense: 17%, Enable key business initiatives: 7%

IAM ChallengesIAM Challenges

IAM leaves a lot to be desired in ways that tend to limit investments. Inability to get “big picture” across all systems and applications: 45%, Too reliant on IT support: 43%, Inability to manage new technologies: 40%, IAM tools have delivered poor ROI: 38%, Identity access management is too complex to use: 37%

Confidence in Granting or Revoking Employee AccessConfidence in Granting or Revoking Employee Access

Just more than half say they are very confident in their access control mechanisms. Very confident: 54%, Somewhat confident: 35%, Not particularly confident: 10%, Not at all confident: 1%

The Mobile Computing ChallengeThe Mobile Computing Challenge

Personal devices are widely used but not very well governed inside the enterprise. Allow employees the use of personal applications at work: 82%, Automatically remove mission-critical data from a device once an employee leaves: 41%, Regulate use of personal devices: 38%, Manually remove data from a device once an employee leaves: 35%, Admit data is left on personal devices: 6%

Cloud Application MandatesCloud Application Mandates

Despite cloud mandates, most IAM systems don’t extend policies to software-as-a-service applications. Such a policy is already in place: 63%, No, but expect policy in next two years: 25%, No, but expect policy in next 12 months: 10%, No, but expect one beyond two years: 2%

Percentage of Mission-Critical Applications in the CloudPercentage of Mission-Critical Applications in the Cloud

The cloud is rapidly becoming more strategic. Currently in the cloud: 39%, Expect to be in the cloud by 2016: 59%