Shadow IT’s Growing Footprint

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Shadow IT’s Growing Footprint

Shadow IT Is RampantShadow IT Is Rampant

81% of line-of-business workers and 83% of IT staff admit to using nonapproved SaaS apps.

Creatures of HabitCreatures of Habit

49% of business and 42% of IT workers use nonapproved SaaS apps because they’re familiar with them.

IT Is Not ResponsiveIT Is Not Responsive

38% of business and 32% of IT workers use these apps because IT approval processes are too slow.

Seeking the BestSeeking the Best

24% of both business and IT workers use nonapproved SaaS apps because they are better than the approved alternative.

Limited OptionsLimited Options

18% of business and 14% of IT workers use these apps because the approved tools don’t perform needed functions.

Aware of RisksAware of Risks

33% of IT and 30% of business workers express a “high level of concern” over potential SaaS risks such as loss of data and breaches.

Unclear PoliciesUnclear Policies

Business workers are three times as likely as IT workers to think their company has no SaaS policies—or to not be aware of any.

IT Is a Bigger OffenderIT Is a Bigger Offender

26% of IT departments use six or more nonapproved SaaS apps; just 7% of business units use that many.

Facebook RisksFacebook Risks

Facebook is used without IT approval in 45% of enterprises, and 19% of them have been infected by malware.

Google Apps RisksGoogle Apps Risks

Google Apps is used without IT approval in 40% of enterprises, and 27% of them have leaked sensitive data.

Dropbox RisksDropbox Risks

Dropbox is used without IT approval in 38% of enterprises, and 24% of them have experienced unauthorized access.