What IT Seeks From Automated Customer Systems

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What IT Seeks From Automated Customer Systems

What IT Seeks From Automated Customer SystemsWhat IT Seeks From Automated Customer Systems

By Dennis McCafferty

Preferred OptionPreferred Option

55% of surveyed IT decision-makers said their companies currently rely on card scanning information capture processes, compared to just 19% who said they rely on paper-based processes.

Due DiligenceDue Diligence

70% of those surveyed said they validate information captured from customers, but only 17% have a system in place to fully automate this process.

Slow GrindSlow Grind

71% said that information validation and authentication is time-consuming.

Shaky Ground, Part IShaky Ground, Part I

Just 28% said they are “very confident” in the accuracy of information collected.

Shaky Ground, Part IIShaky Ground, Part II

72% said they’ve encountered errors in the information they’ve collected from customers.

Out of TouchOut of Touch

39% said being connected with external data sources would be helpful, but only 17% said their current systems had “excellent” connectivity with external sources and 21% have no connectivity at all.

Major IssueMajor Issue

84% said ID verification is either “critical” or “very important,” while nearly half feel that ID fraud would be “catastrophic” to business.

Precarious PositionPrecarious Position

Just 37% have “strong” identity verification/security in place, with 43% saying they only take “some steps” to authenticate customer IDs.

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