eWEEK reported Dec. 27 that Apple is ordering between 20 million and 21 million more iPhones
to sell in Q1 2011. Many of those will be ticketed for business use as
company executives obtain them for their employees with the idea that
they ultimately will help their businesses gain a new competitive
iPhones aren’t the only consumer devices making their way big time into
the enterprise. iPads are also being used for business purposes, even
though they don’t run Windows apps or Adobe Flash.
aspects of business aren’t exactly fun, so why not at least use tools
that liven up the daily grind?
“Out of the box, the iPad is sleek, it’s light, it’s cool, a lot of
people got them for Christmas. They’re going to come into work on the
third or fourth of January, and if there’s no real answer for how
people are going to use them, there will have to be very shortly
thereafter,” author and Apple product expert Charles Edge told eWEEK.
For more, read the eWeek article: How Influx of iPhones, iPads Impacting Enterprises.