Digital Fingerprints Track Malware Authors

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In a presentation at July’s Black Hat security conference, HBGary CEO Greg Hoglund will talk about how to use what he calls the development fingerprints in malware to track down attackers.

Tracing those code artifacts back to attackers can lead to the minds behind the malware economy, according to HBGary CEO Greg Hoglund. In a talk at the upcoming Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, Hoglund will discuss how his new tool, dubbed Fingerprint.exe, can be used to help organizations gather intelligence about malware authors.

The approach has more scalability and is likely to detect more malware variants than other methods, he said. While malware authors can mutate their malware binaries to make it difficult for traditional anti-virus signatures to keep up, development fingerprints relate to the way the code was written – something not easily changed by the developer, he explained.

To read the original eWeek article, click here: Tracking Malware Authors’ Digital Fingerprints

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