Top Transformational Technologies

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Several hyped technologies are ready for showtime, but others are years off, according to Gartner’s new Hype Cycle on emerging technologies.

First, a look at the technologies Gartner says are two to five years from mainstream adoption, along with our analysis based on recent CIO Insight Research:  

Green IT–Our research finds Green IT programs on the rise, primarily out of environmental and cost-saving concerns. (Click here to see our August research on Green IT.)

Cloud Computing–Despite the buzz, more than half of IT execs told us they’re not looking into the cloud yet. (Check out our April report on emerging technologies.)

Social Computing Platforms–IT leaders expressed a growing interest in our April survey; the move to a “platform” will present challenges.

Video Telepresence–IT execs want better communications capabilities, and that could grow with telecommuting.

Microblogging–Interest in corporate blogging is up, but microblogging services like Twitter haven’t taken hold with businesses.