Lack of IT Resources Hinders Data Analytics

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Lack of IT Resources Hinders Data Analytics

1-Useful ToolUseful Tool

83% of respondents say analytics is critical to their organizations, driving day-to-day decisions now more than past experiences, intuition and other factors.

2-Biggest Barriers for Analytics InitiativesBiggest Barriers for Analytics Initiatives

Lack of skills, training and education: 19%, Lack of funding or resources: 18%, Inadequate executive support: 10%

3-Help WantedHelp Wanted

Two-thirds of survey participants say their organization don’t employ enough people with adequate skillsets to analyze and glean insight from data.

4-Biggest In-Demand Analytics SkillsBiggest In-Demand Analytics Skills

Statistics, math and quantitative capabilities: 48%, Analytics tool training: 40%, Critical thinking: 28%

5-Siloed SystemsSiloed Systems

36% of survey respondents say business and IT both have analytic resources and they function independently, as opposed to 26% who say both have these tools and work collaboratively.

6-Misallocated MinutesMisallocated Minutes

Data analytics professionals spend only one-fifth of their time on data analysis.

7-What Accounts for Nearly One-Half of a Data-Analytics  Professional’s DayWhat Accounts for Nearly One-Half of a Data-Analytics Professional’s Day

Gathering requirements: 13%, Preparing and presenting reports: 10%, Meetings: 9%, Administrative activities: 7%, Infrastructure design and implementation: 5%, Testing and tuning processes: 4%


38% of survey respondents say insufficient self-service tools and reports prevents their access to data, and the same percentage say that IT data-governance policies do the same.

9-Missing InventoryMissing Inventory

35% say IT doesn’t even have the data in the data warehouse.


13% say their organization needs to have a better, increased awareness of the opportunities within analytics and big data.

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