Why Businesses Need a Search Party to Find Relevant Data

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Why Businesses Need a Search Party to Find Relevant Data

Why Businesses Need a Search Party to Find Relevant DataWhy Businesses Need a Search Party to Find Relevant Data

The growing reams of data from a variety of sources is creating major challenges when using analytics tools designed to uncover value in that data.

Critical ComponentCritical Component

88% of survey respondents said data analytics is important to their organization’s decisions and processes, with 31% describing analytics as “extremely important.”

Primary RolePrimary Role

More than three out of five said business managers are at least somewhat dependent on their IT managers, data scientists, data managers and other analytics pros.

Lukewarm ImpressionLukewarm Impression

40% said they’re only “moderately” satisfied with these IT pros’ efforts. Less than 2% say they’re “extremely” satisfied.

Distributed DataDistributed Data

64% use at least five data sources for operational decision-making, and 31% use 10 or more.

Growth SourceGrowth Source

77% expect the number of data sources to increase over the next two years, and 29% expect the number of sources to increase “substantially.”

Top Data Tools: Digital RelicTop Data Tools: Digital Relic

92% said their organization still uses spreadsheets (such as Excel) for data analysis.

Top Data Tools: DIYTop Data Tools: DIY

52% use analytics tools developed in-house.

Top Data Tools: Analytics AssistTop Data Tools: Analytics Assist

49% use tools from third parties.

Top Data Tools: Customer ProfileTop Data Tools: Customer Profile

43% use consumer databases.

Top Data Tools: Search PartyTop Data Tools: Search Party

37% use low-level SQL queries

Top Data Tools: Off-PremiseTop Data Tools: Off-Premise

30% use cloud-based analytics tools.

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