Second Life: Is Business Ready For Virtual Worlds?

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Second Life: Is Business Ready For Virtual Worlds?
Real-world companies such as American Apparel, IBM, Starwood Hotels and Toyota are exploring whether 3D virtual communities can be adapted
to serve business–and whether they are an effective place to do market research, collaborate on projects, and sell goods and services.

Second Life Insiders
Philip Rosedale, founder of Second Life, is a pioneer in the development of streaming media technology.

Virtual Growing Pains
When Linden Lab outlined a growth path for Second Life, it found that getting everyone on the same virtual page wasn’t easy.

The Anatomy of Second Life
A look at how the virtual world works.

Tapping into Virtual Marketing
Starwood Hotels demonstrates a relatively low-cost market research experiment in a new Internet medium.

Question: Do you think virtual worlds such as Second Life are a place for real-world companies to do business? Write to us:

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