Why IT Leaders Are Cloud Believers

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Why IT Leaders Are Cloud Believers

Why IT Leaders Are Cloud BelieversWhy IT Leaders Are Cloud Believers

Although tech leaders are big backers of cloud services, the cloud’s widespread use can create an issue when they’re put in play without IT’s knowledge.

Crystal BallCrystal Ball

86% of survey respondents believe that cloud computing is the future of IT.

Conversion RateConversion Rate

68% of IT managers and directors consider themselves “cloud believers,” up from 53% in 2013.

Widespread AdoptionWidespread Adoption

91% of survey respondents say their organization has deployed at least one service in the cloud and, on average, companies are deploying 4.1 services in the cloud.

Expanded ExpenditureExpanded Expenditure

More than 50% say their cloud budget increased in 2015, and about the same expect such an increase to continue this year.

Larger MenuLarger Menu

75% say their company will likely add new and/or additional cloud services in the next three years.

Top Cloud Services Expected to Be Added to CloudTop Cloud Services Expected to Be Added to Cloud

Servers/data centers: 23%, Phone systems: 22%, Disaster recovery: 21%

Departmental AutonomyDepartmental Autonomy

Only half of survey participants from departments such as sales, marketing, HR or finance say IT was involved in their cloud decision-making process.

Top Expected Benefits of the CloudTop Expected Benefits of the Cloud

Scalability: 82%, Flexibility: 75%, Lower total cost of ownership: 72%

Double WhammyDouble Whammy

55% of survey respondents say security concerns present a top potential barrier to cloud migration, and 40% say the same about possible compliance issues.

Safe HavenSafe Haven

Half of those surveyed believe their data is more protected in a private cloud than either on-premise or in a public cloud.


53% say their company has migrated to the cloud using internal resources, with the rest using a third party.

Monday Morning QBMonday Morning QB

Half of those at companies using internal resources to deploy to the cloud say they would outsource if they had to do it all over again.

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