When Research In Motion first announced the BlackBerry PlayBook, some were
skeptical about its appeal. After all, the tablet boasts a 7-inch display–smaller
than the iPad’s 9.7-inch screen–and it lacks the ability to connect to 3G. The
only option available to users away from a Wi-Fi connection is to tether the
device with a BlackBerry smartphone. For a device designed with enterprise
customers in mind, it didn’t sound all that promising.
But little did critics know at the time that RIM had a trump card up its
sleeve. The company has announced a new version of the BlackBerry PlayBook, called the BlackBerry 4G PlayBook, which will feature both Wi-Fi and 4G
connectivity. It will be made available exclusively on Sprint’s network.
Adding 4G to a version of the BlackBerry PlayBook was a smart move on RIM’s
part. And although the fate of its BlackBerry PlayBook is still in doubt, it
seems quite likely that the BlackBerry 4G PlayBook will be a success.
For more, read the eWeek article BlackBerry 4G PlayBook Built for Success: 10 Reasons Why.