Intel Labs Plans $100M University Research Investment

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Intel plans to invest $100 million
directly into U.S. university research over the next five years to
drive innovations in computing and communications. The company says it will
open Intel Science and Technology Centers across multiple universities. Research will focus on projects in select technology
areas that align with the company’s research agenda, including visual
computing, mobility, security and embedded solutions.

According to Intel, its new model for university research is expected to result in U.S.
researchers receiving up to five times more funding from Intel Labs
when compared to the company’s previous approach. As an initial step, Intel Labs
also announced that Stanford University would be the hub for the first
center, which will focus on improving visual computing experiences for
consumers and professionals.

Researchers at Stanford will collaborate with a community of
researchers from seven other universities, according to Intel. The
recently introduced second generation Intel Core processor with
combined visual and 3D graphics will be a key research and development
platform for researchers to develop innovations which improve the
quality and the way images are captured or created, manipulated or
interpreted and ultimately displayed to the viewer.

For more, read the eWeek article Intel Labs to Invest $100 Million in Universty Research.

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