Video: President Obama’s Tech Focus and the CIO

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In the State of the Union Address on Jan. 24, 2011, President Obama spoke about budget freezes, the end of earmarks, the importance of education and the need for innovation. Wait! Aren’t those the same topics CIOs face every day?

Yes, and in this week’s video on The PulseNetwork, CIO Insight regulars Tyler Pyburn, Ashley Daley and Eric Lundquist analyze what CIOs can learn from the State of the Union and vice versa.

Topics in this episode also include figuring out which is the best smartphone for the enterprise, and a review of books to boost your CIO IQ.

Join us each Wednesday live on The Pulse Network for our CIO Insight video show, where we break down the top tech news and trends that really matter for CIOs and other IT leaders.

This week’s video is available now for download.

We are always looking for new ideas and guests who might want to come into the studio in person or via Skype. If you have a good idea that is visually exciting and timely for CIOs, email Eric Lundquist, Susan Nunziata or Ashley Daley. We look forward to hearing from you. See you next week at 2 p.m. est on Wednesday, Jan. 26, at

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