DevOps Produces Major Enterprise Impact

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DevOps Produces Major Enterprise Impact

1-DevOps Adoption RatesDevOps Adoption Rates

Enterprise IT organizations are further along than most might think. Already adopted: 39%, Plan to adopt: 27%, No plan to adopt: 18%, Don’t know what DevOps is: 16%

2-What Drives the Need for DevOps?What Drives the Need for DevOps?

Multiple forces are converging to drive DevOps change. Need for greater collaboration: 47%, Simultaneous deployment across multiple platforms: 41%, Pressure to release more apps faster: 41%, Need to improve customer experience: 39%, Rise of mobile computing: 35%, Rise of cloud applications: 31%

3-Expected DevOps InvestmentsExpected DevOps Investments

New business processes require new tools, training and skill sets. Invest in new tools: 73%, Invest in more training: 71%, Hiring people with new skills: 53%

4-Most Important DevOps ComponentsMost Important DevOps Components

Getting the right tools in place to drive processes is critical. IT automation: 52%, Agile development: 47%, Collaborative teaming of personnel: 45%, Service virtualization: 42%, Accelerated application testing: 32%, Aligned processes: 25%

5-What Knowledge and Skills Are Required for DevOps?What Knowledge and Skills Are Required for DevOps?

Knowledge of the business goals tops technical expertise. Business priorities and strategic metrics: 47%, Business processes: 42%, Communications skills: 36%, Process reengineering: 39%, Project management: 30%, People skills: 30%

6-Top Five DevOps ObstaclesTop Five DevOps Obstacles

DevOps represents a major exercise in organizational change management. Organizational complexity: 35%, Roles and responsibilities not aligned: 28%, Security and compliance concerns: 25%, Lack of understanding of development life cycle: 24%, No budget or clear budget responsibility: 24%

7-How Do You Measure DevOps Success?How Do You Measure DevOps Success?

Intangible benefits are hard to measure but have most business value. External factors such as time to market: 49%, Internal factors such as costs: 38%, Have not decided: 13%

8-DevOps BenefitsDevOps Benefits

The top benefits include better software, increased collaboration and cost savings. Increased frequency of software deployment: 53%, Increased collaboration: 48%, New software and services: 35%, A reduction in spending: 46%, Improved application quality: 42%, Increased number of customers using software: 35%

9-DevOps Improvement ResultsDevOps Improvement Results

Those that have embraced DevOps have, on average, witnessed major gains. Increased collaboration: 23%, Improved quality of applications: 22%, Increased number of customers: 22%, New software services: 21%, Fewer employees working on projects: 21%, Reduced time to market: 20%