Managers Getting Good Grades From Employees

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Managers Getting Good Grades From Employees

1-Happy CampersHappy Campers

57% of employees say morale at their workplace is high.

2-Honored CompanyHonored Company

74% are proud to work for their organizations.

3-Thumbs UpThumbs Up

70% would recommend working for their organization to a friend or relative.

4-Good FaithGood Faith

73% trust their managers.

5-Elusive EvaluationsElusive Evaluations

Only 44% say their organizations provide regular performance reviews.

6-Growth NeedGrowth Need

Just 35% say their organization invests in its employees’ careers through training, professional development or continuing education.

7-Burning Both CandlesBurning Both Candles

45% say it is becoming increasingly difficult to disconnect from work, even when at home.

8-Looking AroundLooking Around

39% will seek out a job in a different company or organization within the next six months.

9-Tempting PropositionTempting Proposition

44% say it’s likely that they’ll accept an enticing job offer from another company within the next six months.

10-Top Considerations in Evaluating a Potential New EmployerTop Considerations in Evaluating a Potential New Employer

Word of mouth from existing employees: 69%, Word of mouth from family and friends: 53%, News accounts about the company: 37%, Company rankings, such as “Best Places to Work”: 35%, The corporate Website: 30%

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