Employees Aren’t Fully Using Work Software

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Employees Aren’t Fully Using Work Software

Underutilized AssetUnderutilized Asset

Nine out of 10 employees surveyed aren’t using all of their work software.

Bad FitBad Fit

29% said the software is not required for their day-to-day jobs.

Drag TimeDrag Time

10% of the respondents said it slows down and/or crashes their computer.

Dependency IssueDependency Issue

9% said the software doesn’t work right and/or is unreliable.

Expiration DateExpiration Date

9% of the workers said it’s too outdated to use.

Unfamiliar ToolUnfamiliar Tool

8% said the software isn’t user-friendly.

Frustrations Involved in Work PurchasesFrustrations Involved in Work Purchases

Waiting for purchases to be approved: 13%, Looking for the best deals: 13%, Filling out expense reports: 11%

Work WoesWork Woes

9% of the employees surveyed said purchase frustrations of items such as software make them less productive, and the same percentage said it causes them to lose motivation.

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