Why IT Faces Difficulties in Adopting New Tech

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Why IT Faces Difficulties in Adopting New Tech

Why IT Faces Difficulties in Adopting New TechWhy IT Faces Difficulties in Adopting New Tech

Large organizations may have deeper pockets to adopt new technology, but a lack of agility hamstrings IT’s ability to implement new tech.


IT pros on average give their company’s current IT infrastructure a “B-minus” grade.

Major BarrierMajor Barrier

55% say the current tech in place at their organization is a hindrance to incorporating or adopting new tech.

Most Pressing Needs for Tech ImprovementsMost Pressing Needs for Tech Improvements

Network infrastructure/cloud migration: 61%, Hardware and devices: 58%, Security: 56%

Across-the-Board IncreaseAcross-the-Board Increase

44% of IT pros at large companies expect their organizations to spend more on tech in 2016, compared to 60% of those at medium-sized companies and 42% at small ones.

Nice BumpNice Bump

The average IT budget will increase no less than 17% next year for these companies, with most of the funding (37%) paying for the maintenance of existing equipment and infrastructure, followed by the adoption/development of new tech and innovation (33%).

Cloudy ForecastCloudy Forecast

84% of IT pros say their company plans on investing in cloud services in 2016, led by software as a service (54%) and security as a service (49%)

Unanticipated DevelopmentUnanticipated Development

65% are worried about disruption from tech innovation.

Competitive LandscapeCompetitive Landscape

58% are concerned about disruption from direct competitors, and 47% are concerned about rivals from outside their industry.

Top Tech-Related Concerns of IT ProsTop Tech-Related Concerns of IT Pros

Securing data: 69%, Keeping IT equipment well-maintained: 50%, Improving customer experience: 49%, Monitoring budget/costs: 48%, Adopting to new tech: 37%

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