Flex Programs Enhance Employee Engagement
88% of U.S. companies allow for some form of teleworking to employees, and 82% have authorized flex time.
43% are compressing work weeks in some manner, and one-quarter are allowing for job shares.
54% offer flex time to all employees, compared to 28% which offer it to just some employees.
69% of survey participants say employees’ career progression and development is not impacted at their organization due to their participation in flexibility programs.
73% say flexibility programs have had a positive impact on employee satisfaction, and about two-thirds say they’ve had a positive effect on engagement and motivation.
55% of organizations that offer flex programs take advantage of this offering as a recruitment tool, at least some of the time.
Only 4% of organizations try to quantify the ROI of flexibility programs.
Just 46% have a written business continuity plan that incorporates the use of flex-work procedures in case of a disaster or other business disruption.
Virtual private networks: 20%, Communications and collaboration software: 18%, Telephone systems: 18%, IM: 16%, Shared desktops: 9%
Laptops: 20%, Software: 15%, Mobile devices: 14%, Mobile phone bill: 13%, Internet access: 11%