Meeting the Challenges of Quality Testing Plans

Dennis McCafferty Avatar

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qa testing

1 - Meeting the Challenges of Quality Testing PlansMeeting the Challenges of Quality Testing Plans

Demand for quality testing is on the rise for cloud environments, the IoT and mobile apps, but IT faces many challenges in responding to these needs.

2 - Slow StartersSlow Starters

88% of survey respondents said their organization uses—or is experimenting with—DevOps principles (including continuous testing) for projects, but 77% of companies are using them for less than half of their projects, if at all.

3 - Flex PlanFlex Plan

96% said their company has adopted agile methodologies (including agile testing) for at least some of their projects.

4 - Common Testing Challenges in Agile DevelopmentCommon Testing Challenges in Agile Development

Lack of appropriate test environment and data: 46%

Difficulty in re-use and repeat tests throughout sprints/iterations: 45%

Lack of good testing approach that fits with agile development method: 44%

5 - Migration StrategyMigration Strategy

87% of survey respondents said their organization is using or plans to use cloud-based test environments to support DevOps practices.

6 - Manual MethodsManual Methods

At most, an average of only 16% of common test activities is performed using automation technology.

7 - Major ObstaclesMajor Obstacles

42% of respondents said their organization faces test automation challenges in the form of test data and environment availability. The same percentage said their current automation solution does not support mobile testing.

8 - All Things ConsideredAll Things Considered

58% said they either have a “fairly mature” internet of things (IoT) test strategy or plan to launch an IoT-specific testing strategy in the near future.

9 - Biggest IoT Testing ChallengesBiggest IoT Testing Challenges

Testing end-to-end user experiences, including performance: 26%

Testing interactions between different layers: 26%

Creating a test environment with virtualized end-products, devices or test data: 26%

Testing the security aspect: 24%

10 - Top Focus Areas for Testing Mobile AppsTop Focus Areas for Testing Mobile Apps

Efficiency and performance: 53%

User interface and ease of use: 48%

Certification of app: 46%

Functionality: 44%

Security: 43%

11 - Top Mobile App Testing ChallengesTop Mobile App Testing Challenges

Lack of time for testing: 52%

Lack of correct testing processes and methods: 47%

Lack of the right tools for testing: 46%

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