How IT Addresses Severe Storage Issues
Storage problems often reach severe levels of concern, so incorporating a flexible storage system can be crucial for avoiding an impact on the business.
About three out of five IT pros say more than half of their organization’s current environment is virtualized, and nearly one-fifth say more than 90% of their company’s environment is virtualized.
Microsoft SQL Server: 66%, File sharing: 53%, Microsoft Exchange: 49%, Microsoft SharePoint: 45%, Desktops (VDI): 41%
52% of IT pros say they experience “occasional” storage performance challenges, while an additional 5% say these challenges are constant and highly impactful.
52% say they experience “occasional” storage capacity challenges, and an additional 6% say such challenges are regular and severe.
47% say they are running a hybrid storage environment comprised of both disk and flash.
61% say they leverage flash storage through a standalone, hybrid storage array, and 23% opt for a standalone, all-flash storage array.
63% say their existing storage allows for replication to a remote site, and 59% say it provides compression for primary storage.
58% say their existing storage provides deduplication for primary storage, and 30% say it allows for encryption at rest.
Improved app response times: 72%, Better end-user satisfaction: 48%, More business growth/expansion: 38%. Reduced operating expenses: 25%, Data center consolidation: 23%