Why Cloud Integration Is Critical for Mobility

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Why Cloud Integration Is Critical for Mobility

Why Cloud Integration Is Critical for MobilityWhy Cloud Integration Is Critical for Mobility

Enterprises are extending mobility efforts to support greater cloud integration and app management. They’re also incorporating IoT into mobility initiatives.

Game PlanGame Plan

89% of the IT decision-makers surveyed said their organization has a mobility strategy in place.

Budget BumpBudget Bump

69% said their company will likely increase its investment in mobility in 2017, and 30% said that they’ll boost this investment by more than 10%.

Moving to the CloudMoving to the Cloud

67% of the IT decision-makers surveyed said their company is pursuing cloud integration as part of its mobility efforts, in addition to mobile device management.

Managed SupportManaged Support

65% said their organization is deploying mobile app management, and 59% said they are investing in managed mobility services.

Connected EffortConnected Effort

46% said their company is incorporating IoT integration into its mobility strategies, and 39% said their organization has developed a policy creation and enforcement plan to support mobility.

IT ProvisionedIT Provisioned

57% of the IT decision-makers surveyed said their company provides mobile devices to employees as part of their mobility strategy.

Top Benefits of Mobility InvestmentsTop Benefits of Mobility Investments

Improved employee productivity: 19%,
Greater data access: 15%,
Increased sales: 14%,
Better internal communication: 14%,
Enhanced data capture and accuracy: 14%

Top Challenges of Mobility InvestmentsTop Challenges of Mobility Investments

Data security: 21%,
Budget constraints: 15%,
Device management: 13%,
Employee training and change management: 12%,
Effective development of custom apps: 11%

Impact on Mobility StrategiesImpact on Mobility Strategies

28% of the IT decision-makers surveyed said that their cloud integration will have the most beneficial impact on their mobility strategies, and 17% said their security efforts will have the greatest impact.

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