HP – http://www.hp.com |
HP is a leading global provider of products, technologies, solutions and services to consumers and businesses. The company’s offerings span IT infrastructure, personal computing and access devices, global services and imaging and printing. |
Datalink – http://www.datalink.com |
Datalink is an information storage architect. The Company analyzes, designs, implements, and supports information storage infrastructures that store, protect, and provide continuous access to information. Datalink’s specialized capabilities and solutions span Storage Area Networks, Network-Attached Storage, Direct-Attached Storage, and IP-based Storage, using industry-leading hardware, software, and technical services. |
Siemens Enterprise Networks – http://www.siemensenterprise.com |
Siemens Enterprise Networks is a leading provider of integrated voice and data networks and solutions. Siemens’ award-winning HiPath enterprise convergence portfolio offers customers practical convergence—today. |
Pivotal – http://www.pivotal.com |
Pivotal offers clear, complete and sensible Customer Relationship Management(CRM) software that delivers results for mid-enterprises—companies and business units in the revenue range of $100 million to $3 billion. |
RSA Security Inc. – http://www.rsasecurity.com |
RSA Security Inc., the most trusted name in e-security®, helps organizations build trusted e-business processes through its RSA SecurID® two-factor authentication, RSA ClearTrust® Web access management, RSA |