Book Brief: Breakthrough Business Results With MVT

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Breakthrough Business Results With MVT: A Fast, Cost-Free “Secret Weapon” for Boosting Sales, Cutting Expenses, and Improving Any Business Process

By Charles Holland with David Cochran

John Wiley & Sons, March 2005
336 pages, $29.95

The letters “MVT” stand for multivariable testing. When applied at work, it is a 12-step process that Holland, a consultant, says will allow you to test dozens of business-improvement ideas simultaneously. Holland walks you (quickly) through the 12 steps, but perhaps the most interesting part of the book is this: After working with hundreds of clients and testing thousands of ideas, it turns out that just a quarter of the business ideas are helpful. More than half (53 percent) of the ideas would have no effect, and some 22 percent could be downright harmful.

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