CIO Compensation Survey

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Thank you for participating in CIO Insight’s monthly research surveys. Your responses, together with those of hundreds of IT executives, have made it possible to provide our readers with original research every month.

To show our appreciation, we are presenting respondents like you with the full results of the CIO compensation survey we conducted in the second half of 2006.

Click here to download the results of the CIO compensation survey.

How to Use the Results File
The results are presented in a Microsoft® Excel® “pivot table.” You can customize the results by title, role (top IT executive/not top IT executive), gender, age, industry, company’s revenues, number of employees, and region of the country. Please see the tab marked “Notes and Instructions” for more information on how to use the pivot table.

The data in this report was collected in the second half of 2006, and is only being shared with respondents who participated in CIO Insight’s surveys between August and December 2006. These results are separate from the data on CIO compensation presented in the April 2007 survey on the role of today’s CIO.

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