CIOs Should ‘Own’ Digital Business Technologies

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CIOs Should ‘Own’ Digital Business Technologies

Internet of Things (IoT)Internet of Things (IoT)

IoT will create political tension between IT operations and product development. But because IoT is consumer-centered, there are only a few legacy deployments so CIOs can get in on the ground floor.

Industrial-Centered IoT OpportunitiesIndustrial-Centered IoT Opportunities

CIOs should approach industrial-centered IoT with a light hand because engineering and operation groups probably invested in a pre-existing body of technology. CIOs should navigate carefully and plan ahead for the resources and skills they will need from those groups.

The Potential of 3D PrintingThe Potential of 3D Printing

CIOs should not underestimate the transformational potential of 3D printing. It could eliminate the need to import certain products and affect key actors in one’s supply chain.

Niche 3D PrintingNiche 3D Printing

Although 3D printing could remain a niche market, Gartner advises CIOs to investigate how transformational or not it may be to their industry, enterprise and intellectual property.

Human Augmentation and Wearable TechnologiesHuman Augmentation and Wearable Technologies

Human augmentation and wearable technologies may improve employee effectiveness, safety and health. CIOs will need to consider human, legal, social and ethical issues, all of which will vary depending on location and employee demographics.

The Upfront Cost of Robotics and Autonomous MachinesThe Upfront Cost of Robotics and Autonomous Machines

The convergence of computers, mechanical systems and electronics, like cameras and sensors, has resulted in novel advances in robotics and autonomous machines. New robots will have an impact on CIOs’ budgets as robots could cost the equivalent of one minimum-wage employee.

Automation and Labor CostsAutomation and Labor Costs

Autonomous machines and robots may be initially costly, but CIOs should look beyond labor savings to the benefits of less machine wear, shorter lead times, greater safety, and less downtime.

The Judgment of Cognitive MachinesThe Judgment of Cognitive Machines

Cognitive machines can handle decision-making and act as personal assistants or interact with customers. CIOs should think about repetitive tasks that these machines could perform to complement, rather than replace, employees.

Cyber Security and Digital Business TechnologiesCyber Security and Digital Business Technologies

Security responsibilities for digital business technologies are not usually found in IT security departments, but that is changing. Security support will require more collaboration with security staff and physical security personnel.

Digital Business Technology PersonnelDigital Business Technology Personnel

After CIOs have identified how and when digital business technologies will be relevant to their industry, they should identify and hire personnel with digital business technology skills.

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