Digital Transformation Creates CIO Opportunities

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Digital Transformation Creates CIO Opportunities

Digital Technology AdoptionDigital Technology Adoption

While 21% are proficient to one degree or another; 65% still limited to e-mail, the Internet and some enterprise software. Beginners: 65%, Digerati: 15%, Conservatives: 14%, Fashionistas: 6%

Transformation Will Be Crucial to Company SuccessTransformation Will Be Crucial to Company Success

Almost half of employees say transformation is already happening, while another third say it is looming. Within the next two years: 33%, It’s too late: 27% ,This year: 18%, Three years or more: 13%, It’s not important to us: 5%

Overall Digital Business BenefitsOverall Digital Business Benefits

Those well versed in digital technologies report significant on average gains across the board. Increased revenue creation: +9%, Increased profitability: +26%, Market valuation: +12%

Digital Business Benefits by FunctionDigital Business Benefits by Function

The majority cited improvements to customer service as the primary effect of digital initiatives. Customer experience: 94%, Operational improvements: 63%, Business model changes: 54%

Major Barriers to Digital TransformationMajor Barriers to Digital Transformation

Inertia raises its ugly head in many forms. No sense of urgency: 39%, Not enough funding: 33%, Inadequate IT systems: 30%, Unclear roles: 28%, No vision for future uses: 28%, Fuzzy business case: 27%

Pace of Digital ChangePace of Digital Change

Most staff people say digital change is happening at about the right pace or faster, but management disagrees. Staff perception: 75%, Managerial perception: 37%, C-level executives and board members: 35%

Digital Culture ClashDigital Culture Clash

There are more reasons to resist change than embrace it. Competing priorities: 53%, Lack of knowledge: 52%, Little motivation to change status quo: 40%, Digital transformation will impact my career: 23%, Internal politics: 21%, Perceived risks: 18%

Digital Performance Metrics MatterDigital Performance Metrics Matter

More than half of companies have yet to set up key performance indicators (KPIs) methods for measuring results. No KPIs: 57%, Yes, KPIs: 26%, Don’t Know: 17%

Significant Digital Transformation IssuesSignificant Digital Transformation Issues

The percentage of respondents identifying these issues as significant. Defining the right KPI indicators: 70%, Changing the culture: 68%, Lack of management skills: 61%, Limitations of IT systems: 59%, Concerns with integrity of the data: 52%, Not enough data: 46%

Digital Business Incentives in PlaceDigital Business Incentives in Place

Even in a social world, compensation still drives behavior. Digerati: 68%, Conservatives: 65%, Fashionista: 48%, Beginners: 39%

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