Four Feckless, Counterproductive Business Approaches to IT

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It’s not news that business and IT departments within a company don’t always get along. It’s rare to find a geek or a suit out there that can’t list off one or several examples of their earnest work being thwarted by “those other guys.”

Yet, most people will tell you there is more to the picture than incompatibility, some noting problems as simple as a language gap.

“Sure, you’re both speaking English, but the same words may mean different things to the IT and business sides of the organizations,” said Jeff Bates, founder of and vice president, editorial of OSTG.

Bates gives a recent example of a colleague who was presented with a report that had the words “My Sequel” throughout it.

“Obviously, this report writer had a conversation with someone discussing MySQL and didn’t understand it was an abbreviation. But, it’s indicative of the language barriers that can occur when both sides make assumptions.”

Read the full story on Four Feckless, Counterproductive Business Approaches to IT