Help Wanted—Diplomats Only Need Apply

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More than 90 percent of BPI projects involve cross-functional processes, yet only 34 percent of respondents to our most recent survey say their company’s various departments work together effectively to coordinate their processes. And there’s BPI’s biggest challenge: Clearly, high quality software isn’t enough. A good one-on-one working relationship between CIOs and other executives isn’t sufficient, either—CIOs must be bridge-builders between other departments. They must understand the rivalries, histories and personalities of the departments involved. That may be especially true with marketing and sales, two of the three most difficult business functions to support. So as you embark on process improvement, channel your inner Condoleeza Rice or Madeline Albright.

For more data and analysis, see CIO Insight‘s Research Center blog at

Next page: Coordination between departments, not IT’s working relationship with departments, is the major stumbling block to BPI.