How Continuous Delivery is Redefining IT

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How Continuous Delivery is Redefining IT

Big Buy-InBig Buy-In

65% of survey respondents say their organization has at least started to adopt continuous delivery, and 46% think their competitors are doing the same.

Time TableTime Table

53% say it would take their company less than one year to move to continuous delivery.

Intimate KnowledgeIntimate Knowledge

One-quarter of executive-level respondents are so familiar with continuous delivery that they “live and breathe it.”

Pieces in PlacePieces in Place

59% feel their staff is ready for continuous delivery, and 53% say they have the technology to make it work.

Internal InertiaInternal Inertia

Less than one half of respondents say their organization’s current processes are prepared for continuous delivery.

Culture ClashCulture Clash

Only 40% say their organization’s culture is ready for continuous delivery.

Leading the PackLeading the Pack

28% say their organization is using continuous delivery throughout all projects.

The Importance of CollaborationThe Importance of Collaboration

71% say their organization’s collaboration platform, such as version management, build automation and code review, is either “very” or “extremely” important for successful continuous delivery.

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