Introducing the Triple Boot Mac

Steven Vaughan-Nichols Avatar

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It was only a matter of time. First, Linux hacker Edgar “Gimli” Hucek got Gentoo Linux running on a Mactel system, an iMac Core Duo.

Then, as Windows hackers, spurred on by a cash reward from Colin Nederkoorn of Houston, had just completed their efforts to get the far more troublesome Windows XP to run on Intel-powered Macs, Apple took the wind out of their sails by releasing a public beta of Boot Camp—software that allows Intel-processor Macs, such as the iMac and Mac Mini desktops and MacBook Pro notebook, to boot either Mac OS X or Windows XP.

You know what’s coming next, right?

Yes, now Nederkoorn and friends have blazed a trail for adventuresome Mac owners to boot not only OS X and XP on their systems, but Linux as well.

This Triple Boot method is not for the faint of heart.

Read the full story on Introducing the Triple Boot Mac