MessageOne Services Promise BlackBerry Security

Brian Fonseca Avatar

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As enterprise customers become increasingly dependent on widespread e-mail communication, anxiety levels regarding e-mail security are skyrocketing.

In recognition, MessageOne has rolled out a set of managed services designed to harden e-mail protection on BlackBerry devices.

The new MessageOne EMS (E-Mail Management Services), announced on April 17, include continuity, security, archive, recovery and encryption services.

The full suite of hosted EMS products can be purchased individually or as a bundled package, said Paul Darcy, vice president of marketing for MessageOne, based in Austin, Texas.

The EMS BlackBerry Continuity service allows wireless devices using e-mail to continue to operate during any type of outage or system interruption.

For instance, MessageOne can replace an inoperative Microsoft Exchange server back end on the fly with a Linux-based back end to allow BlackBerries to continue to send e-mail from the same corporate address unhindered.

Click here to read more about archiving services offered by hosted e-mail providers.

Through a client deployed globally on all of an organization’s BlackBerry devices, the managed service ensures that e-mails within an environment remain policy-compliant and are archived if service is cut off.

The service also makes sure that the entirety of e-mail traffic bears triple-DES (Data Encryption Standard) encryption should an emergency activation be initiated—according to standard RIM security protocols.

“If you’re a BlackBerry user you’re not longer affected by problems which may occur to Exchange, servers or the network,” Darcy said. “BlackBerry users are the most important people in an organization; they’re senior IT execs, people who talk to customers, sales, etc … They can’t be shut down for any amount of time.”

Read the full story on MessageOne Services Promise BlackBerry Security