Nine Fascinating Facts About Today’s CIOs

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Nine Fascinating Facts About Today’s CIOs

Inside OutInside Out

54% of Fortune 100 CIOs are internally promoted, and the rest are recruited externally.

Track RecordTrack Record

52% of externally recruited CIOs have prior experience in the role, compared to just 22% of internally promoted CIOs.

Academic PedigreeAcademic Pedigree

55% of externally hired CIOs have a graduate degree, and 25% of those degrees are from a top 25 business school. (Only 7% of internally promoted CIOs with graduate degrees went to these elite schools.)

A Better BalanceA Better Balance

33% of CIOs appointed within the last three years have been women, compared to only 20% of CIOs who were female who were appointed more than three years ago.

Business MindedBusiness Minded

One-quarter of female CIOs have an MBA, compared to one-fifth of male CIOs.

Hiring Discrepancy, Part IHiring Discrepancy, Part I

Women account for 39% of internally appointed CIOs, as opposed to just 11% of externally hired ones.

Hiring Discrepancy, Part IIHiring Discrepancy, Part II

Ethnically diverse CIOs account for just 7% of Fortune 100 CIOs.

Well EducatedWell Educated

40% of male CIOs earned an undergraduate degree in engineering or computer science, as did 20% of female CIOs.

Marque CompaniesMarque Companies

29% of Fortune 100 CIOs have experience at a Fortune 10 corporation.

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