Online Banking Heist

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Scotland Yard has arrested 19 people in connection with a cyber-crime ring accused of stealing millions from bank accounts in Europe. Officers from the Metropolitan Police Services (MPS) Police Central e-Crime Unit (PCeU) arrested 15 men and four women in pre-dawn raids Tuesday in London. They group is believed to be behind the theft of approximately £6million [$9.5 million] from banks in the U.K. during a three-month period. Authorities believe that figure is likely to increase as the investigation progresses.

The group used a variant of the Zeus Trojan to swipe user banking credentials, police said. Zeus is one of the most popular banking Trojans in the cyber-underground, and has been linked to numerous similar operations. With user credentials in tow, the crew allegedly transferred funds via mules to get their hands on the money.

For more, read the eWeek article U.K. Police Bust 19 for $9.5 Million Online Banking Heist.

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