OpenAjax Grows, Sets Agenda

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The OpenAjax Alliance, an open industry group focusing on AJAX, has announced several new members, defined a set of strategic goals and launched its Web site.

Jon Ferraiolo, an Armonk, N.Y.,-based IBM engineer and spokesman for the OpenAjax Alliance, said the group’s membership has almost doubled since its formation in February. The most recent members of the organization include The Ajaxian, American Greetings, Bling Software, Curl, edge IPK, eLink Business Innovations, ENOVIA, MatrixOne, Finetooth, The Front Side, Ikivo, ILOG, IN2, IT Mill, Javeline, JWAX, Merced Systems, Nexaweb, Nitobi, OpenLink Software, Seagull Software, Sitepen, Sun Microsystems, Vertex Logic, Vircon, Webtide and Zoho.

A study shows that AJAX development is growing faster in emerging markets than in North America. Click here to read more.

“The last time we announced membership, we had 28 members,” Ferraiolo said, but now the group consists of more than 50 member organizations. Early members of the group include Adobe, Backbase, BEA, Borland, the Dojo Foundation, Eclipse Foundation, Fair Isaac, Google, IBM, ICEsoft, Innoopract, Intel, JackBe, Laszlo Systems, Mozilla, Novell, Openwave Systems, Opera, Oracle, Red Hat, SAP, Scalix, Software AG, Tibco, XML11, Zend and Zimbra, he said. There were 15 initial members, including BEA, Borland, Google, IBM and Oracle.

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a style of development that enables developers to build applications that deliver a richer Web experience and greater collaboration and interactivity than typical Web applications.

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