Report: Spyware Threat Marches On

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Despite having technology and procedures in place to prevent and remediate attacks from spyware, many companies still have difficulty stopping the threats, researchers report.

According to a new study published by Ponemon Institute, based on interviews of over 500 North American IT security professionals, a resounding majority of workers admit that their companies are still plagued by problems related to spyware.

For more on a related topic, see Spyware, Bots, Rootkits Flooding Through Unpatched IE Hole

Some 47 percent of respondents to the survey indicated that their companies are incapable of removing spyware from their networks once attacked, with 35 percent saying their employers cannot prevent many spyware infections in the first place.

Only 19 percent of study respondents indicated that their companies were effective at defeating spyware, with 40 percent of respondents claiming that their firms are able to ward off spyware attacks with frequent success, according to Ponemon, based in Elk Rapids, Mich.

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