RSA Catches Financial Phishing Kit

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RSA, The Security Division of EMC, announced Jan. 10 that it has identified a new phishing kit that was being sold and used online by hackers to target users’ personal information in real time.

The phishing kit, known as a Universal Man-in-the-Middle Phishing Kit, is meant to help online hackers create attacks involving financial organizations by enabling the hacker to create a fake URL through a user-friendly online interface. The fraudulent URL communicates with the legitimate Web site of the targeted organization in real time.

The target receives a standard phishing e-mail, and if the target clicks on the link, he or she is sent to the fake URL. The target thinks that he or she is working with content from the legitimate Web site, but in fact, the fake URL allows hackers to access the targets’ personal information, RSA said.

Phishers are increasingly targeting financial institutions. Click here to read more.

“As institutions put additional online security measures in place, inevitably the fraudsters are looking at new ways of duping innocent victims and stealing their information and assets,” Marc Gaffan, director of marketing for Consumer Solutions at RSA Security, based in Bedford, Mass., told eWEEK.

Read the full story on eWeek: RSA Catches Financial Phishing Kit