is going mobile with the acquisition of Sendia., whose AppExchange service offers CRM (customer relationship management) software on demand, said on April 11 that it had created a new AppExchange Mobile service via the purchase of Sendia for $15 million in cash.
AppExchange Mobile will allow customers to access more than 60 applications while on the road, company officials said, in addition to helping other AppExchange participants’ applications to be accessed by mobile devices.
AppExchange Mobile will allow customers to access more than 60 applications while on the road, company officials said, and will help developers to make other AppExchange applications accessible on mobile devices.
Click here to read more about the AppExchange service.
“AppExchange Mobile solves key issues for both our customers and our partners. Our customers are eager for ways to extend their on-demand applications to the mobile workforce, and developers need a painless way to address this major opportunity,” Marc Benioff,’s chairman and CEO, said in a statement.
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