Security Skills Seen Lacking

Deborah Perelman Avatar

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As technology continuously shifts and innovates, IT professionals face a steady pressure to keep their skills current. Given the even more rapid pace at which IT security evolves, those employees who need to incorporate security measures into aspects of their work face extra scrutiny.  

A new study finds that what is being done, however, is insufficient. In a worldwide survey of IT managers, trade group CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association) found a 16 percent gap between the number of IT managers who identified security, firewalls and data privacy as their organization’s top priority and those that felt their IT employees were proficient in these skills.

At 19 percent, the gap was widest in five emerging IT markets–China, India, Poland, Russian and South Africa–where, just as in the United States, only 57 percent of IT managers said their current tech staff were IT security proficient.

Read the full story: IT Security Skills Falling Short