Tech Industry Struggling With Talent Gap

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Tech Industry Struggling With Talent Gap

On the UpswingOn the Upswing

The overall business sentiment rating is 50.8 among global tech company execs, but it is expected to rise to 54.6 within the next six months.

Made in the USAMade in the USA

The 56.4 business sentiment rating in the U.S. is more than 10 points higher than it was a year ago.

Ramping UpRamping Up

57% of tech and business execs worldwide anticipate increasing staffing levels in technology positions over the next six months.

Personnel ProblemPersonnel Problem

69% feel there is a shortage of availability in terms of needed tech talent.

Falling ShortFalling Short

Two-thirds feel the tech sector is underperforming and not reaching its potential.

Incoming SupplyIncoming Supply

34% say it’s likely they’ll hire more foreign workers if they become available over the next 12 months.

Acquisition ModeAcquisition Mode

59% expect that their organizations will increase investment on new products and business lines over the next six months, and 51% will increase tech spend during this period.

Minority OpinionMinority Opinion

Only 23% anticipate cost cutting within the next six months.

Top Concerns About Future Business ProspectsTop Concerns About Future Business Prospects

General lack of confidence and paralysis: 44%, Government regulations: 42%, Lower margins and downward pressures on pricing: 38%

Public (Dis)servicePublic (Dis)service

45% say the federal government represents the interests of the tech sector “poorly.”

What the Government Should Do for TechWhat the Government Should Do for Tech

Provide better access to capital: 46%, Improve STEM education at the K-12 level: 41%, Improve STEM education at the post-secondary level: 41%

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