Tech workers are sorely lacking in career support from their superiors, according to a study released Nov. 14 by a New York-based online career site for technology professionals,
Eighty-two percent of IT professionals responded that being able to keep their skills up-to-date was their biggest concern.
Yet, one-third of respondents said their employers’ encouragement of their skills development was “only fair” or sub par; 26 percent of techies rated their employers’ performance in this area as “excellent,” though 40 percent rated it as “good.”
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What skills development bosses are providing is mostly in-house, according to the study. Thirty-seven percent provide in-house training, 32 percent provide tuition reimbursement and 28 percent allow for reimbursement of professional courses.
Yet overall, employees have extra hurdles to jump over to take these reimbursed classes, as only 26 percent of employers offer time off to attend classes.
Read the full story on Techies Lack Their Bosses’ Support, Study Shows