Technology: Building the Bridge to Tomorrow’s Technologies

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In the 2006 Top Trends issue, the
Technology section was entitled “The
Search for the Killer Infrastructure.”
It looks as if that infrastructure’s been
found: Mainstream companies are well
on their way to adopting Web services
and service-based architectures, and
moving to virtual servers and storage.
These moves are already having an
impact on old-school enterprise application
suites: Some companies are reconsidering
their commitment to older
CRM and ERP solutions, and moving
back to a best of breed approach
to buying applications. But it’s not yet
clear whether service-based architectures
will finally spur companies to get
serious about improving data quality, or
set the stage for finding more innovative
uses of information technology. And
even though IT innovation is no longer
the sole province of technologists, IT
executives remain cautious about user-driven

In this slideshow:

22. The move to a new architecture marches on
23. Enterprise applications start losing their luster
24. Data quality demands attention
25. IT reluctantly embraces Web 2.0
26. IT innovation loses traction
27. Business process management services and software will frustrate users
28. For business intelligence, the best is yet to come
29. IT organizations start going green
30. Dissatisfaction with vendors is on the rise

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