Tech’s Indelible Impact on Society
Here’s something to think over: 25% of survey respondents would implant a chip in their brain if it gave them Internet access. Welcome to the digital revolution.
On average, survey respondents predict that, due to shifting economics and the emergence of disruptive, upstart businesses, 34% of the current Fortune 500 companies will no longer exist by 2030.
43% believe that digital companies, like Apple, Twitter, Facebook and Uber, will eventually get regulated like utilities as they grow in importance and power.
Assuming it was safe, one-quarter of survey respondents would implant a chip in their brain if it gave them constant access to the Internet, up from 11% who would do this in 2008.
43% feel that the tech industry now seems focused on making the lives of the rich easier and better, as opposed to bridging the divide between the rich and poor.
50% believe the “next Steve Jobs” will come from the U.S., compared to just 21% who predicted the “next Bill Gates” would come from the U.S. in 2006.
27% say the Internet of things will have the biggest impact on society and the economy over the next 10 years.
21% predict that cyber-attacks will make the most impact upon society and the economy for the next decade.
20% feel that wearable tech will have the greatest impact upon society and the economy for the next decade.
20% say artificial intelligence will make the most impact on society and the economy over the next 10 years.
35% of males would implant a chip in their brain to have constant access to the Internet, as opposed to just 15% of females.