Why SMBs Expect More From Their Service Providers
IT can instill confusion in a small business with limited resources, so IT service providers must clearly communicate how they can meet an SMB’s expectations.
The majority of small businesses (69 percent) hire at least one type of IT service provider, and there is significant room for growth.
39% of small businesses with IT service providers plan to increase their spending this year.
59% of IT services have transitioned from the traditional break-fix model to a managed service contract.
63% of respondents have dedicated IT staff in-house, but this varies radically between smaller and larger businesses.
31% of SMBs with 10 or fewer employees are significantly less likely to have IT staff in-house. This is an influential group in the SMB economy—80% have fewer than 10 employees.
The cloud, at 70%, is the most prevalent managed service, followed closely by desk phones (69%) and mobile phones or tablets (63%).
The trend to increase spending has been going on for 12-24 months as businesses realize the benefit of technology investment to enhance capability, efficiency and productivity.
36% of SMBs hire cloud service providers. 33% use a service provider for computers and Website and online marketing. 25% use them to provide software.
Using the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which asks the question, “How likely is it that you would recommend your service provider to a friend or colleague?” the survey found: Computers: 22, Cloud: 20, Server and other hardware: 20, Software: 18, Mobile app: 9, Desk phones: 7, Mobile phones or tablets: 7