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IT in the Political Season
We talk a lot in this magazine about alignment–putting the power of IT to work to increase shareholder value. But…
Don`t Blame IT for Wall Street Mess
Wall Street has invested heavily in information technology, including systems that calculate risk in order to safeguard the big investment…
Telepresence: Just Like Being There
Craig Kaufman studied videoconferencing vendors for years without ever being tempted to buy one of their products for his own…
IT Salaries: SAP Pros See a Big Bounce
Looking for a bigger paycheck? Try sharpening your SAP skills. IT pros with non-certified skills in several SAP technologies saw…
Indian Tech Firms Diversify
The $750 million purchase of British consultancy Axon Group by Infosys Technologies, announced in August, was the latest sign that…
Top 10 Hidden Costs of Outsourcing
When it comes to outsourcing, there’s more to your business case than the service provider’s price. Some outsourcing costs are…
IT Services Buck Gloomy Jobs Trend
While all nonfarm businesses shed 84,000 jobs last month, one sector showed strong employment growth: IT services. Payrolls at firms…
How CIOs Can Make Mergers Work
Many or most corporate mergers fail to meet their objectives. One thing that might up the success rate: getting the…
Airports Back to Normal After Computer Glitch
Major U.S. airports were operating normally on Tuesday evening after a glitch in the computer system for filing flight plans…