IT Departments Are Lagging on BYOD Policies

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IT Departments Are Lagging on BYOD Policies

IT Departments Are Lagging on BYOD PoliciesIT Departments Are Lagging on BYOD Policies

Nearly half of surveyed workers use their personal phones for work-related tasks, which stirs up privacy concerns for workers and security concerns for CIOs.

Personal BusinessPersonal Business

49% of surveyed U.S. employees use a personal mobile phone for work-related tasks, and 12% use both a personal and corporate phone for this.

In-Touch ToolsIn-Touch Tools

95% of those surveyed will use their personal mobile phone to voice-call, text, IM and/or video-call colleagues and/or customers.

Governance GapGovernance Gap

Only 34% said their employer has a BYOD policy in place.


66% spend about 10 hours a week or more using a mobile phone for work-related tasks outside of office hours.

Unallowable Expense, Part IUnallowable Expense, Part I

56% said their employers do not reimburse them for work-related usage of their personal mobile phone.

Unallowable Expense, Part IIUnallowable Expense, Part II

Only 24% have no concerns about being required to pay for business usage of their phone out of their own pockets.

Private MatterPrivate Matter

40% said they are either “very” or “extremely” concerned about the possibility of having to release both personal and business messages to their employer.

Setting BoundariesSetting Boundaries

74% said they’d prefer to have separate phone numbers for work and their personal use, either via two separate phones or one phone with two numbers.

Most Commonly Used Functions on Mobile DevicesMost Commonly Used Functions on Mobile Devices

Email: 37%, Voice: 33%, Texting: 24%

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