IT Departments Are Lagging on BYOD Policies
Nearly half of surveyed workers use their personal phones for work-related tasks, which stirs up privacy concerns for workers and security concerns for CIOs.
49% of surveyed U.S. employees use a personal mobile phone for work-related tasks, and 12% use both a personal and corporate phone for this.
95% of those surveyed will use their personal mobile phone to voice-call, text, IM and/or video-call colleagues and/or customers.
Only 34% said their employer has a BYOD policy in place.
66% spend about 10 hours a week or more using a mobile phone for work-related tasks outside of office hours.
56% said their employers do not reimburse them for work-related usage of their personal mobile phone.
Only 24% have no concerns about being required to pay for business usage of their phone out of their own pockets.
40% said they are either “very” or “extremely” concerned about the possibility of having to release both personal and business messages to their employer.
74% said they’d prefer to have separate phone numbers for work and their personal use, either via two separate phones or one phone with two numbers.
Email: 37%, Voice: 33%, Texting: 24%